Happy Birthday to my Tumblr!

I started my first blog not-coincidently during my first year of college. It was a tumblr account and I used it to log of my thoughts and fancies. Tumblr is a popular venue for people who are fans of specific shows, music, movies, people, etc. It is also notorious for being a site of the hipsters and youth; a place for angsty teens to vent about their woeful lives.

I now have many a blog and social medias account, and I use them each purposefully according to their best qualities. Tumblr is where I collect photo and street style inspiration, but during my college years it served as a window into the culture of the world around me while I attended a conservative christian school, it was also where I first saw the boom of memes, and learned the art of a vsco filter before vsco was even a word.

Despite the endless hours of late night scrolling I always felt a slight disconnect from tumblr; being a happier more upbeat person and all. I know, life is rough. On the other hand, I found tumblr was a comforting shoulder to lean on whenever I did need to vent or share my more personal feelings.

Four years later I can conclude that my tumblr served as an incredible log of my college experience, but more importantly it was a window into the transformational years of my young adult life. Just like any one who keeps a journal, we can admit how interesting it is to look back on entries. While most posts were about people and photos I liked, a handful were very personal. I invite you to explore my tumblr archives, and reminisce just as I have today, on it’s four-year old birthday.

tumblr birthday message

I have shared a picture summary of what the majority of my posts have been about (click image to view on tumblr)

My crush on Ferris Bueller

Ferris Bueller

My crush on Simba

lion king

My love for Audrey Hepburn

audrey hepburn

The fabulous Blair (Leighton Meester)


My crush on Andrew Bird 

andrew bird

Boys and Dogs

boys and dogs

The adorableness that is James Franco

james franco

My stupid pets

kitten lazers

All of my best FRIENDS

My Best Friends 

Random photos of things I’ve seen that happened to trend and get reblogged:

The Pixies, a stop sign in LA

Stop the Pixies

And my #1 post of all time!! Some dumb joke I wrote while doing my biology homework (over 700 likes).

dna jokes

Go ahead and follow me on tumblr! Or if you don’t have an account you should join, it’s a fun place to collect inspiration and build community, if Tumblr isn’t for you there is always another social media option… 😉 (see links below)

Connect with me @itsa_Lisa on Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest

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