Oh Hey 2018 | 2017 Recap And 2018 New Years Goals

Time to dust off the old blog. Let’s see what’s happened since I’ve been gone…

We’ll work backward.

NYE 2018 At the turn of 2017, I rang in the New Year in Austin with my very sweet boyfriend and other folks we hold dear. My resolution was to get back at it, to get in touch with myself and my personal goals again. Which is why I’m here.

Hello blog world, I’m back.


2017 in Summary

In December I got super sick… bed sick, and sick of all the hate in the world. I also had a magical holiday with loved ones, and it snowed.


In November I went to New York again with my best friend Lauren and stayed in our friend’s cutest Brooklyn Apartment. Some of my girlfriends also came to visit in Austin so I got to play hostess in all my favorite places.


In October I saw LCD Soundsystem perform live on Halloween in the rain. And I saw the Killers at ACL with some of my favorite people. Moments in between the excitement were spent on wine nights with my girl gang, weekends about town, and binge-watching Stranger Things. It’s easy to only point out the trips and events, but it’s important to acknowledge all the wonderful moments spent in between.

In September I turned 27, went back to my old stomping grounds for a work trip, rode bikes down the boardwalk, and was reunited with different pockets of friends for a short memorable night each.


In August my friend Taylor moved in with me and we instantly wondered why the world had kept us apart for so long. I also learned how to be full Texan in the summer: floating the river, staying out from dawn till dusk, and having just as much fun as if I were still in college; ever so grateful that I moved to this city.


In July I stood by my best friend Lauren’s side as she married the love of her life in a sun-flooded lavender field out in California. T’was the event of the year. BTW if you’re a maid of honor HMU, I got some secrets. 😉


In June my parents came to visit and I played tour guide. I went to Vegas for the Bachelorette Party. When not traveling for the wedding, I spent my weekends on Rainey Street and dancing at Barbarellas with my handsome boyfriend. Call me classy.


In May I entertained more visiting friends and spent a quality amount of time settling in and getting to know my surroundings. Let’s not forget another California trip for the beautiful bohemian bridal shower!


In April I worked hard and played hard. I also joined the gym and did settling in things like paint and decorate the house.


In March the company I work for did a 90* flip and launched as a Content Marketing Agency. (I can tell you months later that it is actually proving successful, hooray!) I am Content Director and lead an amazing team of the smartest kindest people. That’s the short version.  I also met Nick, that random boyfriend I keep talking about. 🙂


In February I moved to Austin from Downtown LA. I’m one of those annoying Californians that find Austin incredibly appealing. Its affordability, light-traffic, and ample things to do make it the antithesis of LA. Now imagine all that but with cool free shows, excellent restaurants, and hardly any lines. It’s the best.

I’m being humble. I also bought a house, which was pretty cool to do by myself as an independent female. That’s the main reason I want to start blogging again… I have so many dreams for this home, and I want to do what any wide-eyed internet-savvy millennial would do: Blog about it.


Last January (2017) was the light at the end of a dark tunnel. I went off-grid for a few months, maybe I’ll talk about that openly one day, but January brought a new hope. The women’s march was hopeful. My moving to a new city was hopeful. Putting an offer on a house and starting this brand new giant adventure was hopeful.

My year started with hope, it’s only right that my year ended with a very happy and content close to balance it off. A kiss at midnight, and a fresh canvas…

My wonderful roommate and friend Taylor moved to Panama at the turn of the year, leaving me all by myself again in this great big house; a fresh canvas ready to see what I can do with it.

2017 was a year filled with new beginnings and now I launch into 2018 with even more hope. I’m a phoenix who has risen from the ashes and preparing to spread her wings.

So here goes…

My 2018 Tangible Goals:

  1. Get in tip-top shape so I can run the Huntington Beach Marathon with my Dad in February 2019.
  2. Build out my house as an influencer and brand (follow @BohoHouse_ATX) so I can inspire other homeowners and decorators just as they’ve inspired me. If I can also turn a profit, then it’s a double win!
  3. A long-term goal is to buy another house and start generating passive income. I’m inspired by the Joshua Treehouse, on Airbnb. People book them for the beautiful experience, wouldn’t it be cool to do that here in Austin too in my BohoHouse? Or, BohoHouses? 😀

Whatever the future may hold, I promise to do my best. Enjoy the small and big moments. And speak my truth.

I post this on the heels of Oprah’s inspiring Golden Globes speech. So remember folks, “Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” Here’s to a brighter morning, even during our darkest nights.

 Connect with me @itsa_Lisa on Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest


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