DIY Embroidered Sun Hat (Easy No Sew Tutorial)

So you want to make your own DIY embroidered sun hat!? Turns out it is super easy! I crafted these for my friends: the bride and groom, so they could have a fun memento on their honeymoon! (They loved it!)

DIY Embroidered Sun Hat (Great Honeymoon Gift!)

This personalized sun hat craft is also super affordable and diverse. You can use any hat you want and write any message. Embroidered hats in stores are anywhere from $30 to $100 each! The ones here cost under $30 combined, the straw hats are from Amazon and the supplies cost under $5 at Joannes.

(There’s even a chance you could make this craft for free! If you’re a crafter like me then you may already have the craft supplies lying around, and you can repurpose any old hat you please!)

Follow along below for the supplies and instructions to make your own fun personalized DIY embroidered sun hat.

To make your own Easy DIY Embroidered Sun Hats, you have two options:

    1. Hot Glued Cursive Sequin ‘Embroidered’ Letters Sun Hat (No Sew!)
    2. Hand Stitched Print Letters Sun Hat
    3. PLUS… Extra Crafting Tips

DIY Embroidered Sun Hat (Easy No Sew Tutorial) | Easy Homemade Couple's Honeymoon Gift

Easy Sequin Cursive ‘Embroidered’ Sun Hat

This fun and vacation-ready sequin sun hat is so cute and stylish, and just as sassy as you want. I say ’embroidered’ in quotes because we’re not going to embroider ANYTHING, (remember, I said this is EASY!) This no-sew hat is made entirely of hot glue, which I honestly think is cuter than the embroider because you don’t have to worry about the mess of stitches on the reverse side.

DIY Embroidered Sun Hat (Easy No Sew Tutorial)

You’ll Need:

  • glue gun
  • sequins
  • decorative ribbon (I used festive pom poms)
  • sun hat

Cursive ‘Embroidered’ Sun Hat Steps

Before you begin: Write out your message or name to scale on a sheet of paper. You’ll want to make sure you like it and have your spacing planned before you begin. Trace it lightly in pencil onto the hat.

Now, you’ve got everything ready, you know what you’re going to write, and how your’ going to write it. The next part is VERY easy, but you have to plan ahead because you’re working with hot fast drying glue, so read all the steps before you begin…

DIY Embroidered Sun Hat (Easy No Sew Tutorial)

  1. Lay out the sequins on the hat the same as your desired look. This ensures you have enough, and gives you an idea of where to glue.
  2. With sequins in place, take your glue gun and start very slowly adding a few drops… Pick up the sequin chain, add a drop of glue, place the sequin chain over it.
  3. Work your way through the message.
    1. TIP: Don’t necessarily worry about writing it “in order”. Focus instead on how it looks and lies. For example, if there’s a “d” you may not want to close the loop, and instead stylize it so it’s a simpler circle and line.
  4. To finish it off, add your decorative ribbon around the hat with more glue. You’re done!

How To Make The Hand-Stitched Print Letters Sun Hat

This stitch is a fun easy way to make your font look more “guy friendly.” At least that’s what I told myself since I have sloppy handwriting and the groom needed a fun hat, too!

DIY Embroidered Sun Hat Tutorial

Embroidery Sun Hat Supplies:

  • black embroidery floss
  • embroidery needle
  • straw hat / fedora

Easy Embroidery Sun Hat For Men Steps:

DIY Men's Sun Hat With Hand Stitching

  1. Write out your design on paper, to scale. You want to visualize where it should go on your hat. Once you decide, you can either eyeball it, or lightly trace the letters in pencil onto the hat. I needed a clear vision of where to start so the name would be centered.
  2. Place about a yard of embroidery floss on your needle, tie a knot at the end. Now start your letters.
    1. TIP: Focus on the top side of the hat only, anything on the wrong side is going to look kinda messy and not really show, meh, it’s fine. The hardest part was spacing it out between the holes in the weave.
  3. Keep going for each letter, if you run out of thread tie a knot in the back and get more. I like to work with 1 yard at a time so it doesn’t get tangled.
  4. You’re done!

easy diy embroidered sun hat | great couples honeymoon gift

Here are some extra crafting tips:

  • Don’t beat yourself up over tiny errors. So maybe one letter didn’t go as planned… that’s ok! Just try to make it legible. This is YOUR creation and you should be very proud of what you’ve done!
    • If you look closely at the one here you’ll notice the “y” is totally out of proportion, bet you didn’t notice until I told you. Everyone is their own worst critic (*unless you’re a celebrity*) so don’t let the little things bring you down! (Can you tell I’m NOT a perfectionist?)
  • Take your time, like with most crafts, slow and steady wins the race. You’ll thank yourself for carefully plotting your next move. I had to redo a lot of stitches on the groom’s hat because I wasn’t thinking about how the letters would pan out with all the holes in the straw weave.

Best of luck on your creations!!! Let me know how it goes! I’d love to see your results!

A gram from the bride… ❤

As always, I'm happy to help answer questions, but sometimes it takes me a while to check the comments, so reach out on Twitter or Instagram if you're in the middle of a project and it's urgent, hehe. 😉

Connect with me @itsa_Lisa on Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest

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