All White Outfits for Labor Day! | Cute Trendy Womens Outfit

I can’t beleive it’s already Labor Day weekend! That means the summer is over, (NOOOOOO!!!) but that also means it’s almost fall( YAAAAAAYYYY!!!!).

I’m rocking my own white on white. Showing here:

All White Outfit Ideas | Labor Day Fashion

I also have all copper accessories. I’m super in to monochromatic looks right now. And I just love how copper glistens without standing out too much.

So that’s a glimpse of my own outfit. But now to the meat… Continue reading

Cause I Am An American Girl | As Seen on

Guys, not sure if I’ve mentioned it enough times yet, but I am a blogger over at DiyReady.comWhat’s that!? Yes, DIYREADY.COMWell for the fourth I was inspired to DIY my own little getup. So I begged my bosses to let me my bosses begged me to craft this little post for our loyal readers. CLICK IT:

make your own 4th of July Hat with @itsa_Lisa of |

When it comes to dressing up for the holidays I like to keep it low key: thematic, but not over the top. So I opted for 2 classic American looks, and topped them with a sun-hat covered in an American Flag Scarf to pull the look together

Look 1: (above) I am wearing a LBD with a fancy ruffled slip. My “southern” or “at the races” look, if you will. (Now where’s my Mint Julep, Y’ALL!?)

Look 2: (below) A plain white tank, denim cutoffs, bikini top, and artfully placed aviators. My “west coast” look. Cowabunga.


make your own 4th of July Hat with @itsa_Lisa of

And WHERE oh WHERE did I get this FABULOUS AMERICAN FLAG SCARF!?!?, that’s where!


Continue reading


Ok, I’m not instagram famous. Or anywhere near being instagram famous… BUT, recently a few of my posts WERE FEATURED on other sites! For example…


This Buzzfeed article: 28 Drool-Worthy Junk Food Treats to Eat in L.A. featured my #onthetable shot from Wurstkuche. Buzzfeed gets most of their photos from instagram, so it’s not like mine was anything special. But hey, I’m still flattered. 🙂


My childhood hometown of Huntington Beach, aka Surf City, has an Instagram Account, (of course… #tourists). So sometimes they reblog photos taken in the city with the tag #SURFCITYUSA. Well they regrammed MY PHOTO, and it received over 700 likes!! That is more likes than the quantity of followers I have, so that’s cool, right? Showing here: (originally here)


DiyReady is just my employer, no big deal, and I have given them the liberty of regramming any of my work related photos. However, I am particularly proud of this one. (originally found here). I took this shot from our “meet the team” photoshoot, and added the headline with the OVER app. We don’t have a notable amount of followers yet, but hey, it’s still nice to see my work reposted!


It’s not like these photos were life-altering moments. I don’t even think their being featured got me any more followers, maybe some more likes… but that’s not what I’m here for anyways. 😛 I just like to use Instagram because it’s a way to artfully express what you’re all about to like-minded individuals.

With all that being said, this is also a boast-post to document a step on my stairway to stardom. #follow4follow just kidding. #sorrynotsorry


Connect with me @itsa_Lisa on Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest


A Guide to Scarves in Movies and How to Get the Look

Guest Post on Inspired-Ground, by Lisa Loperfido

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Movies define eras. They are our segway into the times and cultures which in return define the world around us. It is already known that fashion in movies have an influence on fashion in real life, as seen in a previous post, but what about cinema fashion is so memorable? Is it the way the wearer embodies everything that the style represents? Or perhaps the way each piece helps define a look? In this case we will focus on… Click here to keep reading on Inspired-Ground!

3 Scarf Tricks You Have Got to Try!

Guest post on, by Lisa Loperfido

3 Scarf Tricks You Have Got To Try!

Everybody loves scarves. They make the perfect accessories for, well, anything. Here are three tricks you might not have thought for using your scarves to their fullest potential.

1. Have you ever been in a hurry to get to work, but your clothes are all soiled from endless nights of partying with no time to launder in between? Throw on a scarf! A big loop-de-loop will cover that red wine right up.

2. Want to rock the infinity but all your old scarves are boring “rectangle” shaped?… Click here to keep reading on!