Oh Hey 2018 | 2017 Recap And 2018 New Years Goals

Time to dust off the old blog. Let’s see what’s happened since I’ve been gone…

We’ll work backward.

NYE 2018 At the turn of 2017, I rang in the New Year in Austin with my very sweet boyfriend and other folks we hold dear. My resolution was to get back at it, to get in touch with myself and my personal goals again. Which is why I’m here.

Hello blog world, I’m back.


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The Next Uphill Climb (Birthday Post)

Another year, another birthday. 

This September marks year number 26, and as cliche as it sounds, I can’t believe it!!! I’m over the bunny hill. 1/4 of my life has been lived. Ooooh – but that means I’ve got 3/4 left! If I’ve made it this far in the first 25 years, just imagine the next… Continue reading

10 Ways To Land Craigslist Jobs: How To Be Seen & Heard On Craigslist

If you ask me how I got here, I will tell you it’s because of Craigslist… The grace of God, and Craigslist.

Some call it “Craigslist hacks,” others prefer “Craigslist secrets,” some simply say “Craigslist tips and tricks;” whatever your word choice is, there is no denying that I’ve figured out how to be seen and heard on Craigslist, and how to land Craigslist jobs. Now I’d like to share my knowledge with you.

Cat's Love Macs

This is Dobby, he supports your decision to find a job.

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TREAT YOURSELF – The story behind my tattoo and claw nails

This past October has been such a blessing!

To start off I would like to thank you, my readers!!! Thanks to you all I am officially the Queen of Peter Pan on the internet!! I sold over 150 Peter Pan hats on Etsy, I passed 100,000 views on the blog, and as the countdown to Halloween drew closer, I received over 4,000 daily views! This was so fun to witness, and I really couldn’t have done it without you. So, here’s a GIANT THANK YOU thank you for searching the internet for “how to make a Peter Pan costume,” and clicking my link. It means so much to me. 🙂 I hope to make even more great tutorials for your convenience in the future!

With the extra money from selling Peter Pan hats I decided to treat myself. This was the first time I’d had some extra spending money basically since I had to start paying off student loans one year ago, so I decided to splurge a little.

I treated myself to a fancy manicure, and I bought myself my first tattoo.

What do you think?

claw nails and simple behind the ear triangle tattoo

The manicure is to die for! Seriously, I don’t think I could ever go back to “normal” nails. I got claw acrylics, the kind that are pointy. They are so fun to wear and my hands feel 10 times as feminine! Continue reading