TREAT YOURSELF – The story behind my tattoo and claw nails

This past October has been such a blessing!

To start off I would like to thank you, my readers!!! Thanks to you all I am officially the Queen of Peter Pan on the internet!! I sold over 150 Peter Pan hats on Etsy, I passed 100,000 views on the blog, and as the countdown to Halloween drew closer, I received over 4,000 daily views! This was so fun to witness, and I really couldn’t have done it without you. So, here’s a GIANT THANK YOU thank you for searching the internet for “how to make a Peter Pan costume,” and clicking my link. It means so much to me. 🙂 I hope to make even more great tutorials for your convenience in the future!

With the extra money from selling Peter Pan hats I decided to treat myself. This was the first time I’d had some extra spending money basically since I had to start paying off student loans one year ago, so I decided to splurge a little.

I treated myself to a fancy manicure, and I bought myself my first tattoo.

What do you think?

claw nails and simple behind the ear triangle tattoo

The manicure is to die for! Seriously, I don’t think I could ever go back to “normal” nails. I got claw acrylics, the kind that are pointy. They are so fun to wear and my hands feel 10 times as feminine! Continue reading